Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to have a snack on hand for that summer road trip, or a trip to the pool this summer that you know won’t go bad in the summer heat? And wouldn’t it be even nicer to know that what you, or the kids, are snacking on is a nutritious, healthy snack?

If you answered, “Yes,” to both of those questions, today’s guest had just the snack for you and your family. Joe Nechwiadowicz is the owner of Dried Fruit Au Natural.

He joined us to explain why dried fruit is the perfect snack for summer, or any time of year really.

Joseph will have a booth at our upcoming KELOLAND Living Arts & Crafts Show on October 20th and 21st, so mark your calendar now! It will be the perfect time to pick out some Christmas gifts for those people on your list who are hard to buy for. Or why not pick up a snack or two for yourself to have on hand when those unexpected guests stop by. If you just can’t wait to get your hands on these yummy goodies, you can reach Joseph by calling 605-940-7925. You can also reach him by email at driedfruitaunatural@gmail.com.