SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Storms Thursday evening produced a variety of severe weather across eastern KELOLAND.

Mid August is still severe weather season in KELOLAND, perhaps even more so in recent years. And as the pictures and video prove, the forces of nature can strike quite a punch.

This video shows one of at least two confirmed tornado touchdowns last night in eastern KELOLAND just north of De Smet.

As you can see, the cone-shaped tornado crosses right over a body of water before lifting in the foreground. Most tornadoes only last a few minutes, which was the case in this example.

Another video taken near Erwin shows a tornado with the extra bonus of a rainbow in the picture. The position of the sunset in conjunction with the rain associated with this storm provided an impressive view.

Severe weather near Bryant August 10
Severe weather near Bryant August 10 | Courtesy Paige Hohertz

Speaking of impressive, several of you witnessed the majestic mammatus clouds and back side of the storms. Those pouch-like clouds don’t produce severe weather themselves, but they are often attached to a severe storm.

August 10 hail tracker graphic
August 10 hail tracker

On the maps, you can see how this line of storms fired after the peak heating of the day and produced severe severe weather warnings. The storm reports were many, including several storms with hail.

The storm storm produced golf ball size hail near Lesterville just north of Yankton.

If you have pictures or video of storms from your area, be sure you stay safe while taking them and feel free to email us at