SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The month of August means a variety of things for families in KELOLAND. It means fair season is underway and marks the beginning of a new school year.

Fair Season

On this week’s Inside KELOLAND we take a look at the Sioux Empire Fair and what it takes to make sure it is a safe and fun time for everyone. Fair president and CEO Scot Wick and Capt. Adam Zishka with the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office talk about the curfew, over all safety and how they monitor weather concerns.

Back to School Preps

Brandon Valley High School will start the new year with a new addition. It includes 22 classrooms and three conference rooms.

Some districts are still trying to hire teachers. As of this past week, there were 256 teacher openings listed with the Associated School Boards of South Dakota.

A Sioux Falls non profit is working to making sure every student is ready for the first day of class. Project S.O.S will have another backpack giveaway on Thursday.

Families also have a new option for preschool and child care in Sioux Falls. A business owner and teacher is opening an in-home preschool with the help of federal grant money.