IOWA (KCAU) — Proposition 12 is a California policy that states any pork sold in the state would need to come from pigs whose mothers were raised in at least 24 square feet of space with the ability to lie down and turn around. Pork producers say this new law would cause industry-wide changes and raise the cost of bacon and other pork products across the U.S.

The Iowa Pork Producers Association said the proposition would make most pork producers make costly changes in their operations.

“It’s expensive to meet the rules that they set in Proposition 12 and a lot of farmers do not have the capital and will not borrow the money to go forth and change their facilities to match up with Proposition 12,” said Trish Cook, Iowa Pork Producers Association President.

Pork producers argue that 72 percent of farmers use individual pens or larger group pens that would not meet the proposition’s space requirements

Meanwhile in Senator Joni Ernst sent out a tweet saying:

Extremists in liberal states like California shouldn’t be allowed to BAN OUR BACON and punish hardworking Iowa pork producers with overreaching policies. Disappointed in SCOTUS decision on Prop 12. I’ll keep fighting for #Iowa farmers!

Likewise Senator Chuck Grassley sent out a series of tweets criticizing the decision.

“Iowa is the nation’s top pork producer California comes nowhere close yet its proposed regulations put restrictions on how pork producers in all other states raise hogs. 2day SCOTUS upholds California’s radical regs its HOGWASH”

“Disappointing news the Supreme Court upheld 9th circuit decision to allow California to regulate how pork reaches ur plate Prop 12 is an attack on your breakfast U can expect to pay more for bacon California’s liberal regulations impact pork producers nationwide.”

Iowa Agriculture Secretary Mike Naig released a statement on the ruling saying, in part, “This disappointing decision sets a concerning precedent and opens the door for the largest states to dictate the laws and regulations for consumers and businesses to the rest of America. This sets the stage for a state-by-state patchwork of ever-changing and costly requirements that will increase the cost of production and drive higher costs for food and other consumer products.”